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Using AusLCI Data

Understanding the dataset formats on the site

The AusLCI data is presented on this website in Microsoft Excel .xlsx format.

The unit process data set presents the gate to gate data for the selected processes. It will include inputs from other processes as well as extraction and emission to the environment when they occur. This data can only be used in an LCA once it is linked with of the other units processes from AusLCI.
The system process data sets are provided as excel ecospold spreadsheets contain the cradle to gate results of the AusLCI database for that process. It only includes elementary flows - i.e. inputs and output from the environment - and is calculated from the connected unit process of AusLCI combined with the AusLCI shadow database. These can be used for LCA but do not show the technical connections between different unit processes. They typically include a large number of elementary flows which can be difficult to interpret without and impact assessment method.

LCA Software Implementation of the data

It is anticipated that LCA software tools will implement the AusLCI data within their tools so users of software tools should contact their suppliers to check if the data can be made available.

Has the AusLCI data been reviewed

AusLCI data is reviewed both at a technical level to ensure its a good representation of the process it represents and at a compliance review to ensure its compliance with the guidelines of AusLCI. The compliance review process has only recently been finalised so many of the current datasets still require a compliance review.

What is included in the AusLCI data

The AusLCI Requirements outline what is included in the database. AusLCI data aims to cover all the major impact areas including global warming, land use, water depletion, eutrophication, human toxicity, ecotoxicity, ozone depletion and photo-chemical ozone formation.